Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What's up with these weird Dukes key chains? and a new DK General Lee?

I search eBay for Dukes stuff a lot.  Like a lot a lot.  Nothing gets by me.  A few years ago I came across a listing for these Solar Powered Digital Dukes of Hazzard Key Chains.  They intrigued me.  Usually when new items are released, they show on eBay first.  I thought it might be good to pick them up on their first before they are available elsewhere.  I bought them, but I never saw them anywhere else again.

I got seven in the auction.  I payed less then twenty bucks for them.  They are each marked for individual sale at $4.99 a piece.

Their gimmick is the blinking picture of the General Lee that goes on and off.  It is blank when it is off like the one on top, then the General Lee shows like on the bottom.  It blinks about twice a second.

It's not a very clear picture.  And my camera takes an even less clear photo of it.

The back of the package does not have a year on it.  It says they were produced by Novelty Inc.  Their website wasn't much help.  It is licensed by Warner Bros. and the packaging matches the current theme seen on items like diecasts.

The back of the key chain has a standard Dukes logo against a yellow background.  These things are weird. And the fact that I never saw them again is weird.  Never on eBay, never at Cooter's Place.  So I'm left wondering what's up with these weird Dukes key chains?

On a different note, while at a local Wal-Mart, I checked to see if they still had DK General Lee BMX Bicycles in stock and found this one.  It differs a lot from the original I have (my review here).  They didn't have any originals left.  This one does not have any 01s and doesn't seem to follow the theme of the car.  It is pretty cool that the line is successful enough to have spin offs and variations.  Good for you DK, keep 'em coming.


  1. Replies
    1. So do you want a key chain or do you want me to buy you a bike? I'm not following.

  2. The blue pedals are pretty cool on the new DK. I'm not really a fan of the "GENERAL LEE" text but I'm just pumped like you to see them even being sold at Wal-Mart! I assembled mine and in true Dukes fashion, left a few skid marks in the street!

  3. Ran across this post looking for a price for one of these Duke Of Hazzards key chains. From what was on the tage at the vintage store where I picked one up it sad it is solar powered. That is why General Lee goes on and off every few secondz. It soaks up enough power to illuminate it, then loses that power and so on.

  4. The mention of "weird Dukes key chains" piques curiosity, suggesting there may be unique or unusual designs in the Dukes of Hazzard merchandise. The reference to a new DK General Lee hints at an exciting addition to the collection, potentially a new model or design of the iconic car from the series. Fans of the Dukes of Hazzard franchise may find these developments intriguing and eagerly anticipate seeing these new items. key chains Austin Trim is a top choice for apparel manufacturing, offering low minimums and a wide range of options, including high-quality artwork setup and design services. They are a preferred platform for labels and trim solutions.
