Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dukes of Hazzard Fan Fair in Nashville June 8 - Swap Meet

The Dukes Fan Fair is coming up and I am super excited for it.  The entire living cast will be there.  And it will be held at Cooter's Place Nashville.  I haven't been to the Nashville location.  The last time I was in Nashville, I was with Cooter, but this Cooter's Place wasn't open yet.  I can't wait to be in the presence of so many Dukes collectibles!  Cooter's Place has some very exciting thing happening on Twitter to promote the event. I hear rumors about contest with exclusive prizes.  Join in on the fun by following @CootersPlace on Twitter.

Along with the stars, cars, concerts and all the other fun, there will be a new aspect to the event.  They are hosting a swap meet at Fan Fair.  This kind of thing is right up my alley.  You can buy and sell car parts and Dukes items.  And yours truly, the Dukes Collector, is involved with the planning of the event.  We had to set up some rules on what can be sold so nothing interferes with the merchandise that Cooter's Place and the other stars will have for sale.  So anyone is welcome to sell any Golden Era (it's catching on) only items and any car parts.  No Silver or Modern Era, homemade items, or T-Shirts are allowed to be sold.  The rules will be enforced and anyone breaking them will be asked to leave the event.  I will definitely be scouring the area to buy as much as I can.  Perhaps we can call this area of the event DukesBay.  Man, I come up with some good ones.  If you have any questions or would like to set up at the event, you can email me at lafre@atlanticbb.net.  This is going to be a great event!

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