Part two! For the first time in a long time I am caught up on the Greenlights. There are currently none released that I don't have. That will of course change soon when the
amazing Cooter's Exclusive Cooter's Tow Truck comes out next month. I really can't wait for that one. The Tow Truck is definitely one of the must have main vehicles from the Dukes. Two other must haves have recently been released by Greenlight in 1/64 scale: Daisy's Dixie Jeep and Uncle Jesse's Pickup. Along with those two come a whole bunch of neighboring county's patrol cars and a few other of fun 1/64s from the Dukes. Also included in this post are three 1/43 police cars and a new 1/18 Hazzard Patrol car. That's a lot of cars. This is a bog post. Let's do this.
This has been the year of the Greenlight Dixie Jeep. In April we got
Dixie in 1/43 and in June we got it in
1/18. Now we finally get the prettiest girl in Hazzard's prettiest car in 1/64. This is my favorite 1/64 Greenlight in the whole Hazzardous Collection!
I've said several times while covering the GL Dukes cars, these cars aren't made to be displayed in package. Besides not having any Dukes branding on them, the Jeep has a cover on it in the package that I just don't like. I do like the Dixie logo on the package though.
I'm not posting many card backs in this post as they are all basically the same; they have the car logo and the same picture on the back. There is no WB or Dukes info and we've gone over this before.
The Jeep is perfect. This is the best rendition of Daisy's Golden Eagle in this scale ever.
Everything about this diecast is great.
Except this cover. I just don't like it. Each scale has come with the cover and I don't think any of them had to. It's just not something we've ever seen in Hazzard. Daisy wasn't afraid to risk getting wet if it rained in Hazzard.
This is the last time this particular Jeep will have the cover on. Nope. I don't like it.
There is no comparison to previous Dixie releases. The 1981 Ertl release is a totally wrong model Wrangler and the 2005 Johnny Lightning Dixie was too new of a model. We finally got the perfect 1/64 Dixie thanks to Greenlight.
The license plate is correct with it's FCH 630 markings. Earlier this year when the 1/43 version of the Jeep came out, I wrote a large history of Daisy's Jeep
which you can read here.
The Dixie Jeep is the only Dukes Greenlight to get two different chase versions. They are both technically greenies though one has no green on it.
There's the traditional green wheeled greenie and a "raw metal" greenie machine. See what I did there? I used both greenie and green machine to describe the chase variants. I really need to land on one term or the other.
The raw metal version matched the 1/43 chase version. The white with green wheels arrived here at DukesCollector HQ a little later. I don't know if one is rarer than the other. They are both rare special editions. Fellow completists will have to track down both. Happy hunting!
Another Duke family member gets a long awaited accurate vehicle as Greenlight gives us Uncle Jesse's Ford F-100 in 1/64 scale. in 2019,
the 1/18 version of Jesse's beloved truck was the second offering from GL in their Hazzardous Collection.
The packaging lines up with other cars in the collection, unlike the 1/18 version, which is the only window box of any of the 1/18 GL Dukes.
Also unlike the 1/18 version, this truck is dirty. Can you ever remember a time when Jesse's truck was clean? He had better things to do on the farm then worry about getting the dirt off his pickup.
GL did a great job replicating the Hazzard road grim.
Even the windshield is dirty. Jesse should really run the wipers.
CL 7634 is once again represented on the tiny license plate on the back of the truck. I love these correct details GL throws in.
The green machine version is the standard green wheels and chassis.
Looks like my greenie is number 0130.
Next up is a whole bunch of police cars. First is a Hazzard Patrol car, but not what we're used to. This is an AMC Matador Hazzard car. If you remember
my post about the 1/43 Dixie Jeep, I wrote about AMC, the owner of the Jeep brand at the time, striking up a deal with the producers of the Dukes to have their cars featured on the show. Front and center was Dixie that became a trademark of Daisy's character but there were other AMC cars used on the show as well. A memorable scene that uses the Matador is the end credits scene where Rosco chases the General Lee around a tree a couple of times.
The car doesn't scream Rosco car to me, but Greenlight is determined to give us every iteration of the Hazzard Patrol car, and I'm determined to add them all to the collection.
The color is a very white white. You'll see what I mean soon.
The greenie is on the right and has green around the hubcaps.
It's tough to tell in this shot, but it is a green machine version.
I do not pretend to be an expert on Furys, Monacos, and Coronets. From what I read online, The Dodge Coronet became the Monaco in the late '70s. Dodge made them while Plymouth made Furys. They all look pretty similar with the headlights and front grill being the main differences. They all look like Rosco cars to me. This is a Dodge Coronet in the Hazzard uniform.
Looks pretty great. If I get the 1/64 Hazzard Plymouth Fury and the 1/64 Hazzard Dodge Monaco out and put them beside this 1/64 Hazzard Coronet, I'll have trouble telling them apart. I'll have to do that soon.
The greenie has more green around the hubcaps than the Matador.
There are distinct color difference between the two cars. The Coronet is almost beige compared to the Matador.
Some of the cars have already been released by GL in another scale. That is the case with the Finchburg County police car.
I wrote about the
1/43 Finchburg car earlier. The Dukes travelled to Finchburg to help Boss's twin brother Abe Lincoln in the episode "Baa, Baa White Sheep."
GL nailed the look of this red police car.
The greenie gives me Christmas vibes.
I could definitely see Santa chasing the Duke boys in this car. To give them presents of course.
Here's a new to the line car. This car belongs to Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis of Hatchapee County.
One of the most popular episodes is the season two premiere, "Days of Shine and Roses" that starts with the Ridge Runners Association holding a party at the Boars Nest showing off old film footage of Boss and Jesse's escapades running moonshine. They mention that Hatchapee was the most dangerous county to run shine through because of ol' Spike Loomis.
Jesse and Boss agree to one more race through Hatchapee but this time they would be running jugs of water instead of shine so they weren't breaking the law. No moonrunnig, just illegal street racing.
Spike Loomis carried a railroad spike and ripped the fenders off the cars of moonshiners. He also counted the number of moonshiners he caught and put a marking on his car like World War I pilots. This patrol car caught thirteen moonrunners. I love GL's detail.
So far all of these greenies have had the green behind the hubcaps.
So many of the surrounding county's Sheriffs had cool nicknames. Hatchapee had "Spike" and the sheriff of Choctaw is Hammerhand Ragsdale. I wonder why Rosco didn't have an intimidating nickname; probably because he wasn't very intimidating.
Having a nickname isn't the only thing Sheriff Ragsdale has in common with Sheriff Spike Loomis. Hammerhand's first name is also Emmitt and he also carried a railroad spike. I don't know for sure, but I would guess they are both based on another sheriff from either a movie or real life that was famous for carrying a railroad spike. Anyone know if this is true?
Sheriff Hammerhand can be seen in the season one episode "Double Sting."
This car is very similar to the Hazzard Patrol Cars except for the brown color and Choctaw County Sheriff under the door badge. It's even the same badge that Hazzard uses.
The greenie has all green wheels this time.
The next car comes from the second episode of the series, "Daisy's Song." Before the formula was in place, the Dukes travel to all kinds of different locations in this episode. Daisy gets ripped off by a con artist music recorder and the Duke Boys have to make it right. They go to a music studio in Atlanta, a record label mansion, and even a traveling brothel in a Winnebago in this episode. The show was a little different early on. This Atlanta Police car can been seen chasing Boss Hogg and the Dukes after they raid the recording studio.
Google tells me that the actual Atlanta police cars at the time may have actually looked like this Plymouth Fury. That's fun. Maybe they used real police cars for the scene.
Greenie has more green behind the hubcaps.
So this is a car that I've made fun of a few times. This is the Tri-Counties Bonging car.
This car can be seen in the season one episode "Money to Burn." It's driven by the Tri-Counties Bonding Company Men who are investigating the faked robbery that Boss Hogg framed on the Dukes in a scheme where is he trying to swindle the Federal Reserve bank out of a million dollars. That's a lot of info for one sentence. The episode is most remembered for introducing the beloved character of Cletus Hogg, even before he's a deputy.
The reason I made fun of this car is because it's pretty darn random. But it is a law enforcement car that was seen on the Dukes, so here it is.
It has a license plate of LYB568 on it. Looks like we'll have to go back and watch Money to Burn to see if we can spot the plate.
The green machine has all green wheels.
The final 1/64 car in this post is a fun one. Emma Tisdale is one of the best recurring characters on the Dukes. She delivered mail in Hazzard on a dirt bike and was always doing crazy motorcycle stunts. She also had a crush on Uncle Jesse. She was very "by the Book" and made Bo, Luke, and even Enos show her identification before she would give them their mail. She was very funny and a great character. She appeared in several episodes but in the season three episode "The Hack of Hazzard" we found out she doesn't just run the post office, she also drives Hazzard's only taxicab and owns the Tisdale Cab Company. She is a busy woman.

She leaves Hazzard to visit her mother and the Dukes fill in for her. Jesse and Daisy work at the post office and the Duke Boys drive the cab. They pick up a couple of bad guys that stash a $100,000 gold certificate in the seat of the cab and everyone races to get the the certificate back. This is the kind of car that deserves a diecast for sure. The whole episode basically revolves around this car. Good job GL!
Five cents a mile seems reasonable in Hazzard. I bet Miss Tisdale could even jump a few ponds at no extra charge.
I thought this little blemish was a defect on my car, but then I did some research and it is clearly seen in the episode. Great pickup from Greenlight on that. I love the little details. The blemish is even shaped perfectly.
Green wheels on the chase version.
Speaking of chase, I had to have a little fun with all these new toys. All of these police cars are chasing Daisy through the back roads of Hazzard County.
We didn't just get 1/64s recently, we also got some 1/43 cars.
First is the City of Roseville Police Department car. This is one of the few cars that so far is only available in 1/43 scale.
This car can be seen in the season four episode "New Deputy in Town."
This car has a very classic police car look to it. This design is used in a lot of TV shows and movies throughout the '80s and '90s. This is a great addition to the collection.
The greenie version has the green behind the center hubcaps.
Sheriff Little is getting all kind of love in this line. This is his third scale in the Hazzardous Collection. He's already be release in
1/18 and
1/64. Just one more scale to go, 1/25, and he'll be in them all. The 1/24 is scheduled to be released soon.
I've gone into detail about Sheriff Big Ed Little's Chichasaw County Patrol Car on
previous posts. He was the another great recurring character and the main bad guy to the Dukes outside of Hazzard County. It's great the Greenlight has given us several versions of his patrol car. Oddly enough a greenie version of this car has not shown up. That's strange, but I've talked to other collectors as well and none of us have seen one. Weird.
The final 1/43 in the post is the Osage County patrol car. I wrote about it recently when the
1/64 was released.
The detail is impeccable on this car. It can be seen in the season seven episode "Cool Hands, Luke and Bo."
The interior is incredibly detailed on the 1/43 scale cars. There's also been no reported greenie version of this car. Could GL be relaxing their green machine policy? I don't know. If you see any greenies of the Osage or Chickasaw 1/43 cars, let me know!
Let's take this post home with a 1/18 Hazzard County Dodge Coronet.
This is a part of the Artisan Collection, as are all the other 1/18 Dukes GLs except for Uncle Jesse's truck.
The box has the same design as all the other Artisan Collection Hazzardous Collections cars in our collections.
This car looks very much like the Hazzard cars we know and love, except for the strip across the side. I wonder how many Coronets were used throughout the show. They were mostly used in the earlier episodes that were filmed in Georgia and some of the California episodes.
The strip goes right through the Hazzard Sheriff badge.
The interior on this one is black, as opposed to the tan we're used too. I like the difference.
Rosco's CB radio is visible in the center console.
I wonder why GL left the plates off the Hazzard patrol cars when so many other cars in the collection have them.
I had to pull out the
1977 Hazzard County Plymouth Fury that was the first car released in Greenlight's Hazzardous Collection. The biggest difference is the grills on these cars. I bet Rosco yelled at Enos when they were setting up this shot. "Enos, you dipstick, you scuffed my vehicle!"
The best way to compare the two sides of the cars was to remove the light bar from the Fury and place the Coronet on top of it. But in reality, Rosco chased the Gen'ral when it jumped over Enos and he didn't make it that far and landed right on top of Enos's car. They continued the chased like this. The cars look identical except for the strip across the side of the Coronet.
The front and rear ends show the biggest difference in the cars. These are great cars and are going to look great chasing the Autoworld 1/18 General Lee.
Phew, that was a big one. It feels great to be totally caught up on the Greenlights. It's usually a crazy ride from getting word that a new one is out, to waiting for it to arrive, to sharing it with you on the blog. As of right now I have everything that has been released and I've blogged about each one. There are a lot more in the pipeline and I can't wait to get them. I am really looking forward to the
Cooter's Exclusive Cooter's Tow Truck that will be available in time for Christmas. I love getting new Dukes stuff!
Since I made such a big deal about being all caught up, I'll share my list of what's already been released and what's set to come out. Enjoy:
Released so far:
1/64 1977 Dodge Monaco - Hatchapee County (this post)
1/64 1971 AMC Matador - Tri-Counties Bonding Company (this post)
1/64 1979 Jeep CJ-& Golden Eagle - Dixie (this post)
1/43 1977 Dodge Monaco - City of Roseville Police Dept (this post)
1/43 1975 Plymouth Fury - Chickasaw County (this post)
1/18 1975 Dodge Coronet - Hazzard County (this post)
1/64 1975 Dodge Coronet - Hazzard County (this post)
1/64 1975 Dodge Coronet - Choctow County (this post)
1/64 1974 AMC Matador - Hazzard County (this post)
1/64 1977 Dodge Monaco - Finchburg County (this post)
1/43 1975 Plymouth Fury - Osage County (this post)
1/64 1975 Plymouth Fury - Atlanta Police (this post)
1/64 1971 Checker Taxi Cab - Tisdale Cab Co. (this post)
1/64 1973 Ford F-100 Pickup (this post)
Scheduled to be released soon:
1/24 1975 Dodge Coronet - Choctow County
1/24 1975 Plymouth Fury - Chickasaw County
1/18 1977 Dodge Monaco - Finchburg County
1/18 1975 Plymouth Fury - Osage County
1/64 1972 AMC Matador - Colonial City Police
1/64 1967 Mercury Cougar #44 Race Car
1/64 United States Marshall - 1972 AMC Matador
That's a lot of cars! I'll guess I'll have to get everything out and take some pictures of everything. Not yet!