I got a whole bunch of new Dukes of Hazzard items over the past few weeks. They came from ebay and the recent Steel City Con.
This is a white Dukes blanket that I picked up on the bay. It is in great condition.
It has two graphics on it that repeat over the entire blanket. They look like iron-transfers, but are much better quality. I haven't seen one like this before. It goes nice with the
blue one I got in November.
I did pretty good at the recent Steel City Con. That show perplexes me. It seems like it used to be a show heading toward extinction, but the last few outings have been wildly successful. Higher attendance means more vendors and more vendors means more Dukes stuff. Bring it on. I bought most of these items from a single seller at the show that said it was his first time in Pittsburgh. So it seems to be working. These are license plate replicas of the General Lee and Daisy's Jeep. They were probably produced by a certain TB. They cost about 15 bucks from him, but I was lucky enough to get them both for 8 dollars. Score! I have a couple CNH-320s, but never picked up a FCH-630. It's interesting to note that both Daisy's Plymouth and her Jeep wore the FCH-630 tag.

After I bought the plates, I noticed the seller had quite a few Dukes items. We made a package deal. I think I made out quite a bit better than he did. I got three 8 inch Mego figures in nearly perfect condition. The boys have the short sleeve shirts and Daisy's hair is in mostly good shape. These Daisy figures often have crazy hair.
I also picked up an 8 inch Daisy Mego still in the package. It's in good condition except for a crack in the top of the bubble. I'm not complaining.
I like the artwork used on the back of the Mego cards. This card is un-punched.
Also in the package deal I got two plastic General Lees. A Mego with figures and a HG plastic 1/25.
The Mego is in pretty good shape. These is a little discoloration on the wheels and bumper. The stickers are all crisp and intact.
What made this a great deal is the inclusion of the two figures. Bo is pretty common, but a lot of people need a Luke to complete the pair. Both of these figures are tight and their rubber band construction is in good shape. This was a great buy.
The other General Lee is from HG toys. It originally came in one of a few playsets from 1980. The
larger playset came with the white plastic Boss Hogg hat or you could just buy this car and a toy CB radio. The car is in decent condition but the stickers are a little rough. With the popularity of the show on the rise once again thanks to CMT's HD airings, the Dukes gain new fans everyday. I was hoping to find a Dukes toy for a cousin of mine that recently discovered the Dukes, and this is it. He will love it.
This car looks a lot better than Mego's General. Good job HG.
Another seller had a few Dukes watches and these Dynamite magazines. I don't need any more watches, but I only had one of these books. I was able to get all three for a good price. It's funny. I found these two sellers with Dukes items pretty early at the Con, and didn't see another Dukes thing the rest of the show. Weird how that works out. I'm going to be on vacation when the next Steel City Con is going on, so I'll miss that and go to the December show. I hope it brings even more new vendors with even more Dukes stuff. And some interesting celebrity guests.
This is a weird item I picked up at a bargain price on ebay. It appears to be a German version of The Dukes of Hazzard Racing for Home Playstation game. What's that? You would like a video presentation of this and all other Dukes video games? Well it just so happens I spent quite a bit of time producing just that! Check it out
right here.
The front of the box looks like a poorly photoshopped mash of Dukes pictures. The back is about the same. The only reason I think it is German is the captions under the pictures. It seems like its an actual commercial release, but I can't be certain. I hope it's not a bootleg, but if it is, it's a darn sure good one.
The disc is even weirder than the box. It says "Dukes of Hazzard" and "Carmageddon." That made up word is no where else on the package. I doubt that is the German translation for "Racing for Home." This is an all around weird addition to the collection, but an addition none the less.
This is a belt buckle I bought what seems like a long time ago. I had to check my own posts to see if I mentioned it yet. Seems I didn't. It is the same kind as the
Daisy one I got a few months ago. The picture of the General Lee they used seems to have been taken with no regard to the background. You can clearly see set pieces and back lot gear. Interesting.
This one doesn't have a Warner Bros. sticker on the back like the Daisy one.
I have several packages of the Dukes card game from the makers on UNO. But this one is unique as it appears to be just additional cards. The other ones have card boxes included like a standard deck of cards. This is just cards. The package is beat up, but I don't have this version and haven't seen it before, so I pounced on it.
The exclamations on the package are strange. The left side has things that described the game, "Road Blocks," Speed Traps," and "Parking Tickets," but the right side has "A Really Wild Boss Hogg" and "Hazzard County Clout." What?!?
It is a Wild and Wacky Card Game!
This is a girl's Dukes backpack I bought a while ago. It comes from the same collection that I bought the
General Lee Rough Rider from, and I've had it since then, but I was trying to clean it up a little. It has some rust spots on it. It was basically a "throw in" with the Rough Rider so I can't complain about the condition. It is different and I'm glad to have it
It has been a good day for Megos. I got these two Daisy's Jeep Megos in the same auction. Neither are in perfect shape, but I didn't have one before so I made out.
The first is missing the Daisy figure and the box is rough. I have several Daisy figures and might add one to the box for display. The Jeep isn't connected to the box. I only have the
Gay Toys version of the Jeep which is non licensed. So I might take this one out of the box to display with the other loose Mego cars. Decisions decisions.
The back of the box is a little dark. You can see more detail of the artwork on the next Jeep.
This one is in much better shape. The box colors are more vibrant and the figure is included. The plastic is ripped, but who cares? It's over thirty years old.
The back features a great picture of Daisy and a nice shot of the actual Jeep . It also mentions the other cars in the line.
Both sides of the box feature the same cartoon of Daisy driving her off-roader. Notice the artwork has the incorrect "Daisy" text on the hood. I'm glad the toy doesn't have this mistake on it, like
several diecasts do.
I love the mention of "your collection" on the bottom of the box. Way back in the beginning of the Golden Era of Dukes Collecting, they knew there would be crazy people like me obsessively hoarding all this stuff. But, no Mego, I will not cut out this picture. As great as it is, I must keep the box intact!