Holy Grail
: something that you want very much but that is very hard to get or achieve
Thank you http://www.merriam-webster.com. Besides traveling up and down the east coast these last few weeks with Cooter and looking for Hulk Hogan, I have been buying some great new Dukes items, two of which are extremely hard to find, or Holy Grails. Let's take a look at the latest haul.
Holy Grail #1: The Dukes of Hazzard shelf. Why was this thing created? They made some crazy things with the Dukes license back then. Not every show on TV had bath soap, tennis shoes, and baby onesies. Heck, popular shows that had similar appeal like Knight Rider and A-Team didn't have nearly as many items produced. This shelf boggles my mind. It's like they thought "we have so many crazy Dukes things on the market, we might as well create a place to put them all."

Or perhaps they thought "In about thirty or so years, some dude is going to obsessively collect all this stuff and he will need a unit to display them." Little did they know that this item created to have other things put on it will be more sought after than most of the very items it was created to display. See? Mind boggling! I have been chasing one of these for a long time. They are so rare. This one isn't in perfect shape, but I'm just happy to have it. It is made up of three metal shelves and two rails. The images used on the shelves is the same as the one used on the classic trash can.
They made a Dukes trash can!!! Man, they put the Dukes on everything!
This is another obscure item. Over the last few years, 1/64 General Lees started popping up at variety stores and Tractor Supply stores. I guess this is a shipping package for those cars.
It has a cool little picture of the General Lee and a bar code. 8+ seems a little old to be the minimum for the car. I know I had them as young as three. Today's toddlers can handle a General Lee.
Case in point, here's my little cousin Ben, who loves the General Lee I gave him.
It came with this nice RC2 shipping box and the side of the plastic has this Ertl Collectibles display. I have no idea what the $18.88 means. No one would try to sell a 1/64 General Lee for 19 bucks, except goofballs on ebay.
Speaking of toddlers and onesies, I got another Dukes onesie. It's the same one I got
back in March but this one is out of the box. Cool, odd addition to the collection.
I'm not big on buying things that are autographed, but I couldn't pass this item up. Sorrell Booke passed away before the resurgence of the Dukes. He would have loved to see how big it became again. I think this item is so cool because it's a collectible autograph by Boss Hogg. This has to be extremely rare.
And I got some Dukes slipper socks...two different kinds. I doubt there are two different A-Team slipper socks.
The first pair has a pretty good picture of Bo and Luke and a horrible General Lee.
The second has an even worse General Lee. Weird that I bought these from two different sellers in the same week.
This very obscure item popped up with a low buy-it-now and I pounced on it. It's a Japanese release of John Schneider's Now Or Never album.
I'm not sure if this outer plastic bag is original or if the album was in the sleeve at one time. I'm not unsealing the bag. It is in perfect condition and was shipped from Japan.
These are a few store display pieces for the release of the Dukes movie on DVD. I have one each of these pieces, but got this whole lot for $.99. Couldn't pass that up.
I think the real gem is these paper instructions explaining how to put these things up. They have the Dukes and WB logo on them. I can't imagine many of these survived. Not bad for less than a dollar.
The second Holy Grail is one of the toughest Dukes items to find. And I got one in excellent condition. This is the Dukes of Hazzard Child's Raincoat. It has this cartoon like version of one of my favorite Dukes pictures on the back.
The front has a small General Lee Dukes logo on the front. This one could not have ever been worn. It looks brand new.
The graphics looks perfect. The zipper and strings are great. I can't believe I added this to the collection.
Even the tag is swell. Swellwear made this coat. A quick google search tells me they also made other kid's raincoats back in the day, but I can't find much on them now. The tag is in a sort of plastic wrap. This thing is perfect and certainly a crown jewel of my collection.
I have a couple of other Holy Grails to blog about soon. Stay tuned!